4 Things to Consider as a Business in the New Year

The new year is here. With this comes a lot of preparing for the new year in terms of your business. Not only is it a new year for all businesses and organizations but for many of them it is the first time back in office since the pandemic began. While planning an entire year’s worth of material, content, and goals are daunting tasks, there is a will and a way to go about it. Before even considering what or how to plan for the year ahead, analyzing what worked, what didn’t work, what could be improved, or simply what your business will never do again is a fundamental attribute to how to plan for the next year.
Read below for ideas and strategies to consider.
I. Attainable Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives for any department of your business, whether that is sales, marketing, business development etc. setting attainable goals and objectives, is vital. This is not only because it helps decide what your business wants to focus on but also how you are going to achieve it.
Goals Should be:
Specific: Also known as which efforts you want to focus on. What exactly do you want to gain from a marketing campaign for example or what type of customers does your sales team want to go after?
Measurable: Goals are primarily about what you/your business would like to get done while objectives, especially in a marketing or sales setting are about hitting certain numbers. It is hard to measure very general initiatives and obviously as a business you would like to see how everything has progressed throughout the year.
Achievable: The big question. Are your goals and objectives actually achievable? Not necessarily in the year your business is planning for but are these achievable for the future as well?
Relevant: Are these goals relevant to the work you are doing or will achieving help your business? Would these goals be relevant to everyone in the company or only help a certain few?
Timely: When is the deadline or when would you like this initiative to go into effect? What can you do today for these goals? Put the focus on hat needs to be done or prioritize first and along the way work on your long term goals.
II. Focus on Your Customers
The idea of being purely customer-centric is not a new concept in both B2B and B2C organizations, but has become more common among many organizations especially during the pandemic. Consumers on the B2B or the B2C side expect more from organizations. A study done by SalesForce found that 73% of Customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations but only 51% of customers say companies generally understand their needs and expectations. To understand your customers needs and wants, you need to listen to your customers through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. As we head into the new year, continuing the focus on what your customer’s needs and wants will not only build your relationship with them but also generate ROI.
III. Be Authentic
In time where brands and businesses start blending together, standing out is the way to go. But the way to stand out is to be authentic to your organization’s brand. Consumers crave credible, trustworthy, and genuine brands that they actually want to buy from. Via SocialMediaToday, 51% of consumers believe that less than half of brands create content that resonates as authentic. Businesses believe that they are putting out authentic material and content but in reality they are not coming out as authentic. Showing what your business stands for as well as your values through various content will put your business on track to be more appealing to current and future customers.
IV. A Solid Communication System
A communication system that is reliable may seem obvious but it is important that your business finds a system that actually fits your business’ needs. We have recently partnered with 8×8, a leader in cloud communications which allows businesses and users a reliable and easy-to-use communications platform. It also allows users to integrate with multiple platforms including Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Google.
These are simple tips that are just the beginning of the planning process, but they are a good place to start, especially if you are a newer business or one that has been around for years. Give yourself a break and plan ahead, you will thank yourself later. Happy Planning!
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