How Has Technology Changed the Telecom Industry?

Telecommunications is defined as “communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting.” The Telecommunications industry began with the invention of the telephone back in 1876 and then the invention of the World Wide Web one hundred years later. With that being said, the industry has gone through many changes to say the least. The telecom industry begins and ends with technology, but in a sense they work together to create the most efficient forms of communication. With the transition from analog to digital communication and then the introduction of the cloud, technology has pushed and still pushes the telecommunications industry to be its best. Below we have broken down: the transition from analog to digital forms of communication, 2021 technology trends, and how technology has changed the telecommunications industry over time.
Analog to Digital
The history of analog to digital forms of communication has a long history, but here is the shorter version of that story. The earliest form of telecommunications began as smoke circles and drum beats in parts of Africa, but the true electrical telecommunication began around the 1830s in Europe. Flash Forward to the invention of the telephone in 1876, to the digital revolution beginning in the 1950s. The first message was sent over ARPANET (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) and the invention of the World Wide Web in the 1980s, which changed the game for gathering information and communicating. By the 2010s, the existing analog and manual systems were digitized, which cued the official entrance to the digital age. In the early years of the transition from analog to digitalization, change did not happen quickly, whereas now, things are changing at a rapid pace. With these changes from analog to digital, the telecommunications industry has changed greatly as well.
Now in 2021 Trends
One of the largest trends that telecom companies have slowly started to implement over the last couple of years, is 5G. 5G is simply a new wireless standard that is meant to deliver higher data speeds and is more reliable than its predecessors including 1G- 4G, which you have probably heard of. A second trend that has been rising is Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI. AI refers to the “simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.” This kind of technology for example, is used for chatbox features on company’s websites, but is also used with Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri. Both of these technologies have pushed the telecommunications industry to adopt the mentality of: “keep up with the times.” But on an important note, these technologies are still being tested for best uses and will continue to be implemented for years to come.
How Has Technology Changed the Telecom Industry
Now that we have looked at the past and the future of technology, it is time to focus on how these technologies affect the telecommunications industry. It may seem obvious that with advancements in technology, everything involving technology would change. This is true for many reasons, but we will focus on one reason. The largest reason is improvements in products or introduction of new products. Hosted VoIP phone systems are a perfect example of this. With advancements of the cloud, traditional phone services were becoming a thing of the past, which allowed Hosted VoIP to step in. Although traditional phone lines are still in use, Hosted VoIP has become popular and is sold by many telecom businesses. Businesses have to quickly assess if new products are worth it, and if deemed so, when will they be released? How much will it cost? What are the repercussions of switching, if any? These are only a few questions that telecom customers will be asking themselves when new technology is released or invented.
Technology is constantly changing which stresses the importance of the telecommunications industry to keep up, but it is even more important that they work cohesively. With changes and improvements in technology, it has a direct effect on the telecommunications industry. Technology is changing at a rapid pace, so it is important for telecom companies to do the same. We here at OneVoice, strive to do just that.
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