The Truth About High Speed Internet

In this age of high-speed internet, using the internet & running into a slow or down connection can be frustrating. This may be shocking, but a number of people & companies may be paying for faster internet speeds than they actually need or are actually receiving.
Your computer or computers are connected to a router. Your router is one of many routers which make up your provider’s network. The provider’s network you use is one of 70,000+ networks that make up the internet.
When you try to load a video or type something into a browser, your router sends the request on a journey across the internet. Oftentimes, it is the journey back where things can potentially become complicated.
A perfect example of this is imagining a network of highways with delivery trucks driving on them. These trucks are “packets”, which are the main component of internet traffic. Some trucks may be an email, some trucks may be a google search, and some may even be streaming. All of these packets are taking their own unique route based on agreements that network providers have with each other.
A packet may be transferred from one network to a different one until it gets sent back to you. Alternatively, a provider might pay a transit provider to carry the request back. Regardless, these packets or ‘trucks’ are sharing roads with tons of other trucks, leaving the possibility of dealing with slowdowns. Anytime one network hands-off content to another, there is potential for a traffic jam, which can easily slow down whatever you are attempting to do on the internet.
More often than not, you can’t simply solve lag time by paying your provider for higher speeds within your own network. Your network is only responsible for their part of the network. Simply paying for faster internet because of connection disruptions is like adding space to your driveway and expecting to get to work faster.
These networks are made of millions of miles of fiber & cable across the world & are attached to each other in gigantic data centers that are filled with servers. A simple search on google can be sent to multiple transit providers before you get search results back.
Huge companies like Google & Amazon have thousands of servers across the world in order to optimize your online experience. Smaller companies usually rent smaller amounts of server space in order to try to speed up their users’ online experience.
The problem with shared internet services such as cable & DSL is that you will be sharing bandwidth with your neighbors, causing a higher chance of packet jams on these ‘network highways’. The easiest way to eliminate this problem is dedicated internet access. Dedicated internet provides your company with its own PRIVATE connection that you don’t share with anyone else, so you get the actual speed you purchase at all times.
Are you ready to learn how dedicated internet can improve your network connection? Click the button below.