
Brick-And-Mortar Vs. E-commerce in 2021 (and the future)

As we all know e-commerce really took off in the past year. This is because physical store locations were forced to close or limit their normal services. As e-commerce sales increased, brick and mortar locations were struggling. But in the past year, we have seen a lot of changes, good and bad. People often assume

Rebuilding Company Culture Post Pandemic

While our worlds were turned upside down over a year ago, we are slowly getting back to what we once knew but in an adapted way. All employees of businesses were affected by this pandemic, from the top CEOs to entry-level employees. When the pandemic hit, the idea of company culture slowed and was not

The Benefit of Switching to a Cloud Based Phone System

What is a Cloud-Based System? A cloud based system, like it sounds, is a phone system that allows phone calls to be made over the internet and that data is then stored in the cloud. It is commonly known as Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP.  Traditional Phone-Based Systems have an on-site piece of equipment

What Exactly is the Internet of Things?

The phrase “internet of things” (IoT) might sound familiar as it is a topic being thrown around in the telecommunications world as well as other industries.  Although they contain the same word, internet of things vs. the internet that we use everyday, are very different. The Internet of Things in simple terms is anything and

How Has Technology Changed the Telecom Industry?

Technology Changed

Telecommunications is defined as “communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting.” The Telecommunications industry began with the invention of the telephone back in 1876 and then the invention of the World Wide Web one hundred years later. With that being said, the industry has gone through many changes to say the least.